…or maybe that should be prints in Gauguin…Japanese prints, that is. There’s a big show of Paul Gauguin’s paintings at the Tate Gallery in London this month. He’s a little overlooked compared to contemporaries such as Van Gogh so the current show comes as a welcome revival. The huge influence of Japanese prints in the work of both artists should not be underestimated. Van Gogh made direct copies of Hiroshige prints, writing to his brother that, “this day I have found something wonderful that I shall surely copy,” but it is perhaps less well known that Gauguin also made copies of Japanese prints as in the two paintings illustrated.

Woodblock prints were used to pack trade goods towards the end of the nineteenth century. The flat areas of colour, the perspective and the unusual compositions chimed with the young artists of Europe and were quickly assimilated with the innovations of Cezanne and the Impressionists to make a modern, symbolist art that was more sensuous, more decadent and more abstract than the European tradition. All of this is very evident in these two pictures. Gauguin’s debt is clear enough in the painted copies of the prints and the flattened space of the later painting, as is his debt to Cezanne in the brushstrokes and composition.

Surely though, his later paintings from Tahiti display all the characteristics of the floating world… the lazy, sexual undercurrent, the panoramas of available women, the absence of the modern day and the explicit suggestion of pleasure, all laid out frieze-like on the canvas against a background of flat colour or worked pattern.

I’ve done a bit of research to identify the prints in these paintings… the later still life depicts a print by Utagawa Yoshiiku from 1864 of the actor Ichikawa Kodanji playing the hunter Nagohe with his wild white hair and a spear in his hand. The other painting shows an actor print by Kunisada. We are showing two warrior prints by Yoshiiku in the current exhibition at the Toshidama Gallery along with other major artists of the Utagawa School.

About toshidama

Toshidama Gallery sells original nineteenth century Japanese woodblock prints. We source our prints from around the world and only stock original, authenticated works of museum quality.
This entry was posted in Cezanne, Hiroshige, Japanese Art, japanese woodblock prints, Kunisada, Paul Gauguin, Toshidama Gallery., ukiyo-e art, Utagawa Yoshiiku, Van Gogh and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

30 Responses to GAUGUIN IN PRINT…

  1. Pingback: Gauguin in print: Japanese influence | Modern Tokyo Times

  2. Pingback: Ukiyo-e and Japanese influence: Gauguin In Print | Modern Tokyo Times

  3. Pingback: Paul Gauguin and poverty: the influence of Japanese art on this sublime artist | Modern Tokyo Times

  4. Pingback: Paul Gauguin and poverty: the influence of Japanese art on this sublime artist | Japan and Tokyo News and K-pop

  5. Pingback: Paul Gauguin and poverty: the influence of Japanese art on this sublime artist « The Modern Tokyo Times

  6. Pingback: Paul Gauguin and poverty: the influence of Japanese art on this sublime artist « Lee Jay Walker

  7. Pingback: L.S. Lowry and Paul Gauguin: images of individualism and dark forces | Modern Tokyo Times

  8. Pingback: L.S. Lowry and Paul Gauguin: images of individualism and dark forces « The Modern Tokyo Times

  9. Pingback: L.S. Lowry and Paul Gauguin: images of individualism and dark forces « Lee Jay Walker

  10. Pingback: European Art and the Individualism of Paul Gauguin and L.S.Lowry | Modern Tokyo Times

  11. Pingback: European Art: Paul Gauguin and L.S. Lowry went Against The Grain | Modern Tokyo Times

  12. Pingback: Japanese Art in the Mirror of the World of Paul Gauguin: Poverty and Amazing Art | Modern Tokyo Times

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  14. Pingback: European Art and Adorable Individualism: L.S. Lowry and Paul Gauguin | Modern Tokyo Times

  15. Pingback: Toshidama Gallery and The Enemy of the Stars | Toshidama Japanese Prints

  16. Pingback: Paul Gauguin and Japanese Art: Poverty and the Innner Soul | Modern Tokyo News

  17. Pingback: L.S. Lowry and Paul Gauguin: Sinister Realities and Strong Individualism | Modern Tokyo News

  18. Pingback: Modern Tokyo Times | L.S. Lowry and Paul Gauguin: Sinister Realities and Strong Individualism

  19. Pingback: Land of the Rising Sun and Paul Gauguin: Artistic Soul and Poverty | Modern Tokyo News

  20. Pingback: Modern Tokyo Times | Land of the Rising Sun and Paul Gauguin: Artistic Soul and Poverty

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  23. Pingback: Modern Tokyo Times | Paul Gauguin and L.S. Lowry: Passion and Love of Art

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  25. Pingback: Modern Tokyo Times | Breathing Art and Endless Passion by Paul Gauguin and L.S. Lowry

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  27. Pingback: Christopher Bucklow at Southapton City Art Gallery | Toshidama Japanese Prints

  28. Pingback: European Art: Paul Gauguin and L.S. Lowry | Modern Tokyo Times

  29. Pingback: A Japanese Inspired Poster by Annie Offterdinger | Toshidama Japanese Prints

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