Tag Archives: ukiyo-e art

Life Through a Deluxe Lens

By the middle of the nineteenth century in Japan, an extraordinary art form had developed which had taken the basic single-colour woodblock print, (a form of wet ink relief reproduction common for centuries in Europe and Asia) and made it … Continue reading

Posted in Chushingura, Hirosada, Ichikawa Danjuro, Japanese prints, japanese woodblock prints, kabuki theatre, Kunichika, Kunisada, Osaka Prints, Toyokuni III, ukiyo-e, Uncategorized, Woodblock print | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Kabuki All-Stars #5 Nikki Danjo

Download this Nikki Danjo Kabuki card as a PDF by clicking this link.

Posted in Japanese Art, Japanese prints, japanese woodblock prints, kabuki theatre, Meiji Art, Toshidama Gallery. | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Christopher Bucklow at Southampton City Art Gallery

The celebrated international artist Christopher Bucklow is well known to followers of the Toshidama Gallery. The artist is currently celebrating a lifetime retrospective of paintings and photographs at the Southampton City Art Gallery in England. Toshidama Gallery director, Alex Faulkner … Continue reading

Posted in Chris Bucklow, Japanese Art Gallery, Japanese prints, japanese woodblock prints, kabuki theatre, Kunisada, Paul Gauguin, Toshidama Gallery., ukiyo-e, ukiyo-e art, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Myths of the Stage… The Fantasy of Kabuki Woodblock Prints and Ziggy Stardust

Hirosada. Arashi Rikaku II as Nippon Daemon, 1852 Having just acquired some lithographic printed photographs of the actor, Onoe Kikugoro V, (Baiko), I was struck by how different the reality of the stage is when compared to the mystical… the … Continue reading

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Brexit, Isolationism and the Tokugawa Shogunate.

There’s no political agenda to this post whatsoever… although it seems that the parallels that exist between Tokugawa era Japan and the current state of the United Kingdom are too close not to merit comment in some way, however small. … Continue reading

Posted in Brexit, Floating World, Japanese Art Gallery, Japanese Christians, Japanese prints, japanese woodblock prints, Meiji Art, Sakoku, senso-e, Tokugawa Clan, Toshidama Gallery., ukiyo-e, ukiyo-e art, Yokohama | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Kunichika & The Meiji

May the 20th sees the launch of a new show at the Toshidama Gallery. The exhibition looks at the work of Toyohara Kunichika, (1835-1900), and his fellow artists. There are some very fine prints indeed on show and for sale, … Continue reading

Posted in Demoiselles d'Avignon, Edo, Floating World, geisha, Japanese Eyebrows, japanese hair styling, Japanese prints, japanese woodblock prints, kabuki theatre, Kiyochika, Kunichika, Meiji Art, Okubi-e, Picasso, Toshidama Gallery., ukiyo-e, ukiyo-e art, utagawa | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Japanese Prints and Their Place in the World – A Personal Appreciation by Alex Faulkner

Yoshitaki, Bando Hikosaburo and Arashi Rikan, 1850 It is five years since Toshidama Gallery made the decision to open an online, virtual exhibition space on the internet. In that time we have had nearly fifty dedicated and themed exhibitions, we … Continue reading

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Ukiyo-e Artists of the Decadence at Toshidama Gallery

Hirosada, A Mirror of the Osaka Summer Festival, 1850 moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury So runs the standard definition of decadence: a moral and cultural decline. It is a word habitually used … Continue reading

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Reassessing Kunisada

Kunisada, Actors in Mirrors 1832 Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865) known in his lifetime as Toyokuni II and in our time as Toyokuni III, remains one of the least appreciated artists of nineteenth century Japan. What follows here is not an academic … Continue reading

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Before and After Hirosada

Hirosada, Kataoka Gado as Hayana Kanpei There is a clear division in the design and the feel of Osaka prints that occurs at around 1840. This is in part due to the hiatus caused by the notorious attempts by the … Continue reading

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